Customer Service

We ensure a cutting-edge customer service thanks to a staff of highly qualified technicians, ready to intervene anywhere to support you. Our advanced equipment allows us to carry out effective interventions, even remotely.

Our experience at the customer’s service

Our after-sales service has been growing enormously over the years, moving from a simple support service for customer emergencies to a dedicated Department that has turned our Customer Care into a all-round mission. Any Maris brand-related customer’s demand such as the supply of spare parts, rather than the need to modify a plant for changed production requirements – or again – the desire to increase the extruder functionality are just some of the aspects that this Department deals with.

We are ready to reach you, whenever you are.

Please contact us at our dedicated address:

Spare-parts service

Our standard

The long-lasting efficiency of our extruders is the key to meet our customers’ goals and – consequently – what matters the most to us. For this reason, we have set up a spare parts warehouse which houses over 12,000 screw elements, barrels and liners, gears and shafts for our gearboxes and a whole range of spare parts and devices necessary not only to organise timely interventions – which allow the customer to avoid production stops in case of unforeseen events – but also to schedule extruder ordinary maintenance according to customer’s specific needs.


Our ‘vintage’

Since 1962, we have been designing and manufacturing all the parts of the supplied extruders. This unique feature allows us to ensure the possibility to provide spare parts even for the oldest extruders that have been out of production for some time now.

Maintenance and repair service

This is the most various assistance service offered by our after-sales Team. The wide range of services covers all after-sales extruder-related needs:
– Extrusion screws reinstate service
– Analysis of the barrels functionality and overhaul
– Gearbox overhaul
– Overhaul and calibration of torque limiters
– Modification and revamping of existing extruders
In addition, with regard to gearboxes, we also provide a service upon request called ‘gearbox swap’ which has significant advantages compared to the regular overhaul:
– Almost zero plant shutdown
– Low overhaul costs
– Possibility to schedule maintenance
On-site technician availability for gearbox replacement

On-site technical service

In order to provide continuous support to the customer, a team of specialized technicians in on-site assistance bas been trained. Any need can therefore be addressed within the customer’s premises thanks to our experienced staff advice and know-how.
Services offered include:
– New lines start-ups
– Modification of existing lines
– Software updates
– Ordinary and specializes on-site repairs and maintenance
Plant management training

Remote technical service

Our plants are equipped with devices allowing remote connections, which – therefore – make it possible to monitor the extruder even when not on-site.

Reaching the extruders directly from our head office allows to make software changes, to analyze the plant functioning and to possibly suggest the correct parameters so as to obtain a perfect product quality as well as to perform vibrational analysis in the predictive maintenance context.

Technical consulting assistance

Our long-lasting experience in the world of extrusion is at customers’ complete disposal. Our most experienced technicians and their know-how are available both on-site and at our premises to discuss and analyze with you the most various needs and elaborate them together in order to provide the most appropriate solutions.

Together, we develop tailor-made solutions to ensure optimal results.


For any request for assistance, we invite you to fill out the form. Our team of highly qualified technicians will be ready to intervene promptly to satisfy your needs.

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Last updated: 08/06/2023.