TM20 Hi-Tech  



is the synthesis of 60 years of experience in the field of co-rotating twin-screw extruders, as well as being in line with current industrial trends that transfer the experience gained in the laboratory to production. The TM20 Hi-Tech was conceived and built for research, but retains all the qualitative, constructional, functional and operational characteristics of our production equipment, so that its behaviour and performance can be reproduced faithfully on a smaller scale.


    The TM20 Hi-Tech co-rotating twin-screw extruder enables the verification and analysis of all processes to be carried out on industrial-scale production lines.


    One of the most interesting aspects of the TM20 Hi-Tech is its flexibility, which allows rapid configuration changes, depending on the raw materials used and the type of process. All this is possible thanks to mechanical, modular and interchangeable components that do not require the intervention of personnel with specific mechanical training.

    Designed and built to be used in laboratories, it is highly silent and is therefore also suitable for non-industrial environments such as training and research facilities.


    The industrial scale-up of this laboratory machine can be determined by performing specific calculations. These calculations, influenced by the type of material to be extruded, are dependent on the volume and energy factors of the process.

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Specific torque (Nm/cm3) 10
Max. rotational speed (rpm) 1500
D/d 1.55
Screw diameter (mm) 20
Typical fields of application Laboratory



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